• What are the requirements to get a concealed carry license in Michigan?

There are a few, I suggest consulting the link below which contains the latest requirements for the state of Michigan.


  • Can I carry anywhere?

No. In the state of Michigan there are a few places that are off limits to concealed carry.

This link contains a list of those places: https://www.michigan.gov/msp/services/ccw/prohibited-premises

  • Is the training to get a Michigan CPL difficult?

Not at all! You will want to be familiar with your firearm and be able to successfully pass the following qualification test:

  • Target: Blank target measuring 11” x 17”
  • Shooting distance: 21 Feet
  • No time limit
  • Number of rounds: 30 (though we will go through ~200 rounds during the course of the days training)

  • Can I carry out of state?

Sure can! Not all states have reciprocity with Michigan though. If you possess a valid Michigan CPL and want to carry your pistol in another state, you should contact that state for information on its concealed pistol laws. A Michigan CPL holder is responsible for complying with the laws of that state. I’ve found the US concealed carry website to be an excellent source of information on this subject: https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw_reciprocity_map/mi-gun-laws/

  • How long is my license good for?

5 Years

  • Do you offer refresher courses?

Sure do!

  • What do I need to bring to class?

You will need the following:

A handgun in a caliber of at least 9mm for semi-automatics or .38 special for revolvers.

50 Rounds of ammunition (100 rounds preferred).

  • Do you offer handguns for rental as part of the training?

Yes. Please reach out before scheduling and we can determine an appropriate firearm(s) to use as part of the training.

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